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Membership Registration Policy:
Empowerment for Her extends an invitation to individuals who share our commitment to championing women’s rights and are aligned with our vision and mission to join our esteemed membership community. By becoming a member, you gain access to a range of exclusive benefits and opportunities that enable you to actively contribute to our cause. To initiate the membership process, kindly complete the form provided below.

As a valued member, you will enjoy exclusive discounts on all our events, ensuring you can fully engage with our initiatives. Additionally, you will receive timely updates on our progress, programs, and upcoming activities, enabling you to stay informed and involved.

Our membership structure operates on an annual basis, with a nominal fee of 100 DKK granting you the privileges and advantages associated with an annual membership plan.

At Empowerment for Her, we place the utmost importance on maintaining the confidentiality and security of our members’ personal information. We have implemented robust measures to ensure that your data remains protected and handled with the utmost care and discretion.

Should you have any inquiries or require further clarification regarding the membership process or the handling of your personal information, our dedicated team is readily available to assist you. Your support is invaluable to us, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming you as a distinguished member of Empowerment for Her.